
want buy some stuff for christmas ?

Primary school life was soon over, he smooth to to middle school. In an unfamiliar environment, his heart suddenly produced a lonely and feeling of panic. Sure enough, in he was limping step into the classroom, the students have to throw a amazing eyes, as if Mars suddenly came to visit earth! "Even he can also come to school?" "Ah, even the road are going bad. I see than stay home got!" "That's a problem, ha, ha, ha!" The students are in private were discussing. He listened to the people who already have be he got for him the words of it is very sensitive, in the heart of the shares lost and inferiority arises spontaneously. He lurched to avoid the crowd that pairs of eyes filled with grumble, in the classroom at the end the corner sat down. No one will come to strike up a conversation with him, in their eyes, he is like the corner of that a bunch of air, he have no any relation with them. 

