
Oracle bone script


Oracle bone scriptFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaOracle bone script TypeLogographicSpoken languagesOld ChineseTime periodBronze Age ChinaParent systems(Proto-writing)Oracle bone scriptChild systemsBronze script Seal script Clerical script Kaishu Kanji Kana Hanja Zhuyin Simplified Chinese Chu Nom Khitan script Jurchen script Tangut scriptISO 15924Hani, Hans, HantNote: This page may contain IPA phonetic symbols. Shāng Dynasty Oracle Bone Script on Ox Scapula, Linden-Museum, Stuttgart, Germany. Photo by Dr. MeierhoferChinese characters ScriptsPrecursors · Oracle bone script · Bronze script· Seal script (large, small) · Clerical script ·Cursive script · 

Chinese character Shang oracle 犬  

Regular script · Semi-cursive scriptType stylesImitation Song · Ming · Sans-serifPropertiesStrokes · Stroke order · Radicals · Classification· Section headersVariantsStandards on character formsKangxi Dictionary form (Jiù Zìxíng) Xīn Zìxíng (1st · current · future) Standard Form of National Characters List of Forms of Frequently Used CharactersStandards on grapheme usageGraphemic variants · Hànyǔ Tōngyòng zì · Hànyǔ Chángyòng zì · Guīfàn hànzì · Tōyō kanji · Jōyō kanjiReformsChinese (trad. · simp.0 · simp. 


· simp.2 · debate) Japanese (old · new · Ryakuji) Korea (Yakja) · Singapore (jiăntǐzì biǎo)Sinoxenic usageKanji · Hanja · Hán tựHomographsLiterary and colloquial readingsDerivativesKokuji · Korean hanja · Chữ Nôm · Zetian characters · Nü Shu · Idu · Kana (Man'yōgana) ·Bopomofo · Sawndip · Khitan · Jurchen · Tangutv · d · eOracle bone script (Chinese: 甲骨文; pinyin: jiǎgǔwén; literally "shell bone writing") refers to incised (or, rarely, brush-written[1]) ancient Chinese characters found on oracle bones, which are animal bones or turtle shells used in divination inBronze Age China. The vast majority[2] record the pyromantic divinations of the royal house of the late Shāng dynasty at the capital of Yīn (modern Ānyáng, Hénán Province); dating of the Ānyáng examples of oracle bone script varies from ca. 14th -11th centuries BCE[3][4] to ca. 1200 to ca. 1050 BC.[5][6][7][8] Very few oracle bone writings date to the beginning of the subsequentZhou Dynasty, because pyromancy fell from favor and divining with milfoil became more common.[9] The late Shāng oracle bone writings, along with a few contemporary characters in a different style cast in bronzes, constitute the earliest[10]
 significant corpus of Chinese writing, which is essential for the study of Chinese etymology, as Shāng writing is directly ancestral to the modern Chinese script. It is also the oldest member and ancestor of the Chinese family of scripts.Contents [hide]1 Name2 Precursors3 Style4 Structure and function5 Scholarship6 Zhou Dynasty oracle bones7 Samples8 See also9 Notes and references10 Further reading11 External links[edit]NameBecause turtle shells as well as bones were used, the oracle bone script is also sometimes called shell and bone script. 
As the majority of oracle bones bearing writing date to the late Shāng dynasty, oracle bone script essentially refers to a Shāng script.[edit]PrecursorsIt is certain that Shāng-lineage writing underwent a period of development before the Ānyáng oracle bone script, because of its mature nature[11][citation needed] ; however, no significant quantity of clearly identifiable writing from before or during the early to middle Shāng cultural period has been discovered. The few Neolithic symbols found on pottery, jade, or bone at a variety of cultural sites in China are very controversial,[12] and there is no consensus that any of them are directly related to the Shāng oracle bone script[citation needed].[edit]Style Shāng oracle bone script: 虎 hǔ 'tiger' Shāng oracle bone script: 目 mù 'eye'The oracle bone script of the late Shāng appears archaic and pictographic in flavor, as does its contemporary, the Shāng writing on bronzes. The earliest oracle bone script appears even more so than examples from late in the period (thus some evolution did occur over the roughly 200-year period).[13] Comparing oracle bone script to both Shāng and early Western Zhōu period writing on bronzes, oracle bone script is clearly greatly simplified, and rounded forms are often converted to rectilinear ones; this is thought to be due to the difficulty of engraving the hard, bony surfaces, compared with the ease of writing them in the wet clay of the molds the bronzes were cast from. 
The more detailed and more pictorial style of the bronze graphs is thus thought to be more representative of typical Shāng writing (as would have normally occurred on bamboo books) than the oracle bone script forms, and this typical style continued to evolve into the Zhōu period writing and then into the seal script of the Qín state in the late Zhōu period.It is known that the Shāng people also wrote with brush and ink, as brush-written graphs have been found on a small number of pottery, shell and bone, and jade and other stone items,[14] and there is evidence that they also wrote on bamboo (or wooden) books[15] just like those found from the late Zhōu to Hàn periods, because the graphs for a writing brush (聿 yù[16]) and bamboo book (冊 cè, a book of thin vertical slats or slips with horizontal string binding, like a Venetian blind turned 90 degrees) are present in the oracle bone script[14].[17][18] Since the ease of writing with a brush is even greater than that of writing with a stylus in wet clay, it is assumed that the style and structure of Shāng graphs on bamboo were similar to those on bronzes, and also that the majority[17][14] of writing occurred with a brush on such books.

 Additional support for this notion includes the reorientation of some graphs,[19] by turning them 90 degrees as if to better fit on tall, narrow slats; this style must have developed on bamboo or wood slat books and then carried over to the oracle bone script. Additionally, the writing of characters in vertical columns, from top to bottom, is for the most part carried over from the bamboo books to oracle bone inscriptions.[20] In some instances lines are written horizontally so as to match the text to divinatory cracks, or columns of text rotate 90 degrees in mid stream, but these are exceptions to the normal pattern of writing,[21] and inscriptions were never read bottom to top.[22] The vertical columns of text in Chinese writing are traditionally ordered from right to left; this pattern is found on bronze inscriptions from the Shāng dynasty onward. Oracle bone inscriptions, however, are often arranged so that the columns begin near the centerline of the shell or bone, and move toward the edge, such that the two sides are ordered in mirror-image fashion.[20][edit]Structure and function Various ways to write 寅, the 3rd Earthly Branch, in oracle bone scriptDespite the archaic and relatively pictorial appearance of the oracle bone script, it is in fact a fully functional and fairly mature[23] writing system, i.e., able to record the Old Chinese language in its entirety and not just isolated kinds of meaning.
[citation needed] This level of maturity clearly implies an earlier period of development of at least several hundred years.[24] From their presumed origins as pictographs and signs, by the Shāng dynasty, most graphs were already conventionalized[25] in such a simplified fashion that the meanings of many of the pictographs are not immediately apparent. Compare, for instance, the third and fourth graphs in the row below. Without careful research to compare these to later forms, one would probably not know that these represented 豕 shĭ 'swine' and 犬 quǎn 'dog' respectively. As Boltz (1994 & 2003 p.31-33) notes, most of the oracle bone graphs are not depicted realistically enough for those who do not already know the script to recognized what they stand for; although pictographic in origin they are no longer pictographs in function. Boltz instead calls them zodiographs (p.33), reminding us that functionally they represent words, and only through the words do they represent concepts, while for similar reasons Qiu labels themsemantographs.By the late Shāng oracle bone script, the graphs had already evolved into a variety of mostly non-pictographic functions[citation needed], including all the major types of Chinese characters now in use. Phonetic loan graphs, semantic-phonetic compounds, and associative compounds were already common. One structural and functional analysis of the oracle bone characters found that they were 23% pictographs, 2% simple indicatives, 32% associative compounds, 11% phonetic loans, 27% phonetic-semantic compounds, and 6% uncertain.[26]Despite its status as a fully functional and fairly mature writing system, the oracle bone script is not actually 100% mature – the form of a very few graphs changes depending on context[citation needed], and on occasion the order of the graphs does not quite match that of the language[citation needed]. By the early Western Zhou period, these traits had vanished, but in both periods, the script was not highly regular or standardized; variant forms of graphs abound (see the many ways to write 寅 yín,[27] the 3rd Earthly Branch to the left), and the size and orientation of graphs is also irregular. A graph when inverted horizontally generally refers to the same word, and additional components are sometimes present without changing the meaning. 
Not until the standardization carried out in the Qín dynasty seal script did these irregularities end.Components of Oracle bone script characters may differ in later characters, for instance the character for Autumn 秋 now appears with 禾 as one component and fire 火 as another component. From the oracle bone script, one sees that an ant-like creature is carved instead (there is, however another rarely-used character for Autumn that greatly resembles the oracle bone script form, 龝).Of the thousands of characters found from all the bone fragments, the majority remain undeciphered. One good example is shown in the fragment shown below, labeled "oracle bone script for Spring". The top left character in this image has no known modern Chinese counterpart. One of the better known characters however is shown directly beneath it looking like an upright isosceles triangle with a line cutting through the upper portion.

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