
the love IN chopsticks style

I am confusion about love .
Some say, love like water, "tender and bright; Others say, love is like wine, it gets better as it grows old; And others say, love is like the wind, and no zong...
I say, love is like a pair of chopsticks.
Man is a root chopsticks, is a woman "root chopsticks, two root chopsticks grip together, become chance. It's love a pair of chopsticks.
A pair of chopsticks, the heart thinks toward one place, force makes toward one place, can the beautiful day clip ", send into us up the mouth. Men and women, which are no less a root chopsticks, can dip in a little marinades, always can't capture the real life taste.
A pair of chopsticks, must have a fulcrum. Westerners difficult to learn how to use chopsticks, why? He is hard to find two root chopsticks balance. Want to let two root irrelevant chopsticks firmly clamped food, one of the root should put a low profile for another root chopsticks, a powerful fulcrum. Finger strength as a small skills. Yes, love often also need a little skill, but the heart of  coordination tacit understanding is fundamental, is the first true .

Since chopsticks role always need both parties to come together to finish, why not design a root conjoined twins chopsticks? That's not chopsticks, but clip. Well, clamps can also pick up something, but, clip not bigger, zhang clip the capacity of a limited. The chopsticks is free, it can lion big mouth, all good things the panoramic bag. This is the power of love. So, don't forget, a pair of chopsticks, should be parallel, to another root chopsticks enough free space, the space is larger, the greater the harvest, as long as another root chopsticks or you this one of a pair of chopsticks roots.
Love is like a pair of chopsticks, rather than the scissors. Scissors too sharp, always tore lousy destruction, scissors, hearts no warmth and love need construction, we need to caress; Love like a pair of chopsticks ", rather than LaoHuQian. LaoHuQian is not the strength, however, it is too strong manipulative, love need tender, need thoughtful.
Chopsticks have very many kinds, has made of bamboo, also have made of wood; There are plastic, also have made of ivory; Besides the gold and silver. People too. People do not have the distinction between high, but the cultural differences and habits are also different. A root chopsticks too long, a root chopsticks too short, no; A root chopsticks is too thick, a root chopsticks is too thin, also not line. See how a root chopsticks, may help you in the boundless huge crowd, to find their own half.

Have a kind of chopsticks, called Neil, the chopsticks, simple, rough, use namely abandon, to be a one-off. Disposable chopsticks, has nothing to do with love. This is same, and love with one-night stand guiltless.

Love is like a pair of chopsticks, the most fundamental point is that one cannot who between them, in order to life, always buchibuqi; They always together enjoy life, to share the bitter and the sweet in the life the ups and downs. That's just what the common features of the good love?


Fruit is a wonderful food

Fruits are such a delight to the senses. Of all the foods available to us, fruits are the most attractive, delicious and enjoyable. Of all natural foods, that is, the foods we can eat in their natural state, fruit is the food we are most attracted to and that first entices our senses. Humans are born with a natural instinct for sweet foods and in nature, that instinct naturally draws us to fruit.

When we are hungry - and I mean really hungry - fruit is often the most satisfying food we can eat. Is there anything better than to devour a delicious ripe mango on a hot summer day? Or to bite into a luscious, freshly-picked apple? Or to enjoy a sweet, juicy ripe orange? Is there any man-made dish that can beat the perfection of a fully ripe cherry?

Fruits have been consumed by human beings going as far back in time as we know, whereas grains, legumes and dairy products have only been cultivated for 10,000 years or less, which is just a breath in the life of humanity. Anthropological studies have shown that fruit has been an important part of the human diet for hundreds of thousands of years.

Fruit has always been recognized as one of the healthiest foods there is. In the minds of most people, fruit is seen as a healthy food we should eat more of due to its vitamin content. But even when realizing the exceptional nutritional qualities of fruit, very few people actually give it the place it deserves in the diet. Fruit is still eaten as a “snack” or a “dessert,” but is rarely seen as a staple food. In the mind of the masses, fruit is a “healthy snack” but not something that can really sustain a hard-working man, like meat or bread. They don’t realize that fruit should be a staple in the diet, and has been for thousands upon thousands of years, long before bread and rice were cultivated, and long before cheese, sandwiches and twinkies were invented.

Is There a Food Better Than Fruit?


The Qiao Family Compound in Shanxi

today ,lets getging to know the qiao family compound in shanxi .
The prosperity of the Qiao Family originated with Qiao Guifa who was an orphan and made a living as a servant during the reign of Emperor Qianlong (1711 - 1799) in the Qing Dynasty (1644 - 1911). He first started a business when he met his business partner, Qin. Initially, they sold fodder, bean sprout and bean curd. Several years later, they had become very wealthy. The 'golden age' for this family was under the instruction of Qiao Zhiyong who adopted the principles of being industrious, modest and generous. The family fortunes began to decline due to the large amount of money offered to the Qing Army and the spoliation of the Japanese army.

The Qiao Family Compound

The Qiao Family Compound

The Qiao Family Compound


Dali city ---Yunnan


Dali is the ancient capital of both the Bai kingdom Nanzhao, which flourished in the area during the 8th and 9th centuries, and theKingdom of Dali, which reigned from 937-1253. Situated in a once significantly Muslim part of South China, Dali was also the center of the Panthay Rebellion against the reigning imperial Qing Dynasty from 1856-1863.

Dali is also famous for the many types of marble it produces, which are used primarily in construction and for decorative objects. In fact, Dali is so famous for the stone that the name of marble in Chinese is literally "Dali Stone" (Chinese: 大理石; pinyin: dali shi).
Dali is now a major tourist destination, along with Lijiang, for both domestic and international tourists.

Old Town and new city

Dali and Yunnan's capital Kunming are only a 40-minute flight apart. Dali's newly finished administrative district that houses the newly opened Dali International Convention Center is in Longshan District. The Dali government's urban planning keeps its old and new districts separate, so those coming here for the first time often feel they have entered a time tunnel.

The "new city" is known as Xiaguan and is south of the old city. The old city was built during Ming Dynasty emperor Hongwu's reign (1368–1398). Owing to the distance between them, the old city is still peaceful and quiet.


Dali is located on a fertile plateau between the Cangshan mountains to the west and Erhai lake to the east. It has traditionally been settled by the Bai and Yi minorities. It is also the capital of the Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture 。

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Suzhou-the most beautiful article

Stone Forest (Shilin)---Yunnan

Kunming, the capital of Yunnan Province, enjoys great fame among tourists not only because the region features a consistently warm climate, but also thanks to its wonderful vistas and landscapes. Among the most dramatic of these attractions is the Stone Forest (Shilin), known since the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644 A.D.) as the 'First Wonder of the World.'
The Stone Forest is in Lunan Yi Nationality Autonomous County, which is about 120 kilometers (75 miles) from Kunming and requires only a three-hour drive. It covers an area of 400 square kilometers (96,000 acres) and includes both large and small stone forests, as well as many other scenic spots. An old local saying says that 'If you have visited Kunming without seeing the Stone Forest, you have wasted your time.' Truly, the Stone Forest is one of the most important attractions of Yunnan.

Walking through the Stone Forest, visitors marvel at the natural stone masterpieces and are bewitched by the intricate formations. The magnificent, strange and steep landscape creates countless labyrinthine vistas, including:
Major Stone Forest, Minor Stone Forest and Naigu Stone Forest, all of which feature stones in various formations. Animals, plants, and even human figures can be found here. Some are elegant, some are rugged, and each is lifelike with its own distinguishing characteristics.
Subterranean Stone Forest in Zhiyun Cave, an underground stone forest distributed among several caves and occupying a total area of about three square kilometers (720 acres).

Strange Wind Cave, composed of Penfeng Cave, Hongxi Spring and an underground river. From August to November, gales lasting two to three minutes sweep out of the cave every 30 minutes.

Long Lake is a karsts lake that is three kilometers (two miles) long but only 300 meters (zero point two miles) wide. The lake features underwater stalagmites and stalactites and a small island in the center of the water.
The source of the Dadie Waterfall, Ba River, is a branch of Nanpan River. In the rainy season, up to 150 cubic meters (196 cubic yards) of water per square inch plummet down the 88 meter (288 feet) drop.

Geologists say the Stone Forest is a typical example of karsts topography. Approximately 270 million years ago - during the carboniferous period of the Paleozoic era - the region was a vast expanse of sea. Over time, the movements of the lithosphere gradually caused a retreat of the waters and the rise of the limestone landscape. Due to constant erosion by the elements, the area finally developed into the present-day Stone Forest. 

Many beautiful legends originate in this magical place, passed along by the native people known as Sani, a branch of the Yi ethnic group. One particular story about the faithful love of Ashima, a beautiful, clever and warm-hearted Sani girl, is the most popular and has been told for thousands of years. The Sani people celebrate their national festival - the Torch Festival - every lunar year on June 24. They take part in traditional performances such as wrestling, bull fighting, pole-climbing, dragon-playing, lion-dancing and the A-xi Moon Dance. During this time, the Stone Forest is alive with a particularly joyful, festive atmosphere, making the area even more attractive than usual. However, the Stone Forest - with its sculptures engraved by nature, herself - is always a true miracle for visitors to behold.


Mount Wutai

Lingfeng Temple Pagoda

Mount Wutai

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mount Wutai (Chinese: 五台山; pinyin: Wǔtái Shān; literally "Five Plateau Mountain"), also known as Wutai Mountain or Qingliang Shan, located in Shanxi, China, is one of the Four Sacred Mountains in Chinese Buddhism. The mountain is home to many of China's most important monasteries and temples. Mount Wutai's cultural heritage consist of 53 sacred monasteries, and they were inscribed as aUNESCO World Heritage Site in 2009.

Xiantong Temple

Each of the four mountains are viewed as the abode or place of practice (dàocháng; 道場) of one of the four great bodhisattvas.
Wutai is the home of the Bodhisattva of wisdom, Manjusri or Wenshu (Traditional: 文殊) in Chinese. Mount Wutai also has an enduring relationship with Tibetan Buddhism.

Great White Pagoda

It takes its name from its unusual topography, consisting of five rounded peaks (North, South, East, West, Central), of which the North peak, called Beitai Ding or Yedou Feng, is the highest, and indeed the highest point in northern China.
Wutai was the first of the four mountains to be identified and is often referred to as "first among the four great mountains." It was identified on the basis of a passage in the Avatamsaka Sutra (Ch: Húayán jīng; 華嚴經), which describes the abodes of many bodhisattvas. In this chapter, Manjusri is said to reside on a "clear cold mountain" in the northeast. This served as charter for the mountains identity and its alternate name "Clear Cool Mountain" (Ch: Qīngliáng Shān; 清涼山).

The bodhisattva is believed to frequently manifest himself on the mountain, taking the form of ordinary pilgrims, monks, or most often unusual five-colored clouds.
Mount Wutai is home to some of the oldest existent wooden buildings in China that have survived since the era of the Tang Dynasty(618–907). This includes the main hall of Nanchan Monastery and the East Hall of Fuguang Monastery, built in 782 and 857, respectively. They were discovered in 1937 and 1938 by a team of architectural historians including the prominent early 20th century historian Liang Sicheng. The architectural designs of these buildings have since been studied by leading sinologists and experts in traditional Chinese architecture, such as Nancy Steinhardt. Steinhardt classified these buildings according to the hall types featured in the Yingzao Fashi Chinese building manual written in the 12th century In 2008, there were complaints from local residents that in preparation for Mount Wutai's bid to become a UNESCO World Heritage Site, they were forced from their homes and relocated away from their livelihoods.



Huangshan is a mountain range in southern Anhui provincein eastern China. The area is well known for its scenery, sunsets, peculiarly-shaped granite peaks,Huangshan Pine trees, and views of the clouds from above. Huangshan is a frequent subject of traditional Chinese paintings andliterature, as well as modern photography. Today, it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of China's major tourist destinations.

Physical description
Physical features for which Huangshan is known include sunrises, pine trees, "strangely jutting granite peaks", and views of clouds touching the mountainsides on more than 200 days out of the year.
The Huangshan mountain range comprises many peaks, some more than 1,000 meters (3,250 feet) high. The three tallest and best-known peaks are Lotus Peak (Lian Hua Feng, 1,864 m), Bright Summit Peak (Guang Ming Ding, 1,840 m), and Celestial Peak (Tian Du Feng, literally Capital of Heaven Peak, 1,829 m). The World Heritage Site covers a core area of 154 square kilometres and a buffer zone of 142 square kilometres.[7] The mountains were formed in the Mesozoic, about 100 million years ago, when an ancient sea disappeared due to uplift. Later, in the Quaternary Period, the landscape was shaped by the influence of glaciers.

The well-known Ying Ke Pine, orWelcome Pine
The vegetation of the area varies with altitude: Below 1,100 meters, moist forest can be found; deciduous forest stretches from 1,100 meters up to the tree line at 1,800 meters; above that point, the vegetation consists of alpine grass-lands. The area has diverse flora, where one-third of China's bryophyte families and more than half of its fern families are represented. The Huangshan pine (Pinus hwangshanensis) is named after Huangshan and is seen as an example of vigor because the tree does not take root in soil, but in rocks. Many of the area's pine trees are more than a hundred years old and have been given their own names (such as the Ying Ke Pine, or Welcoming-Guests Pine, which is thought to be over 1500 years old). The pines vary greatly in shape and size, with the most crooked of the trees being considered the most attractive. Furthermore, Huangshan's moist climate facilitates the growing of tea leaves, and the mountain has been called "one of China's premier green tea-growing mountains. Mao feng cha ("Fur Peak Tea"), a well-known local variety of green tea, takes its name from the downy tips of tea leaves found in the Huangshan area.

The mountaintops often offer views of the clouds from above, known as the Sea of Clouds (simplified Chinese: cloudy sea; pinyin: yúnhǎi) or "Huangshan Sea" because of the clouds' resemblance to an ocean, and many vistas are known by names such as "North Sea" or "South Sea." One writer remarked on the view of the clouds from Huangshan as follows:
To enjoy the magnificence of a mountain, you have to look upwards in most cases. To enjoy Mount Huangshan, however, you've got to look downward.

The area is also host to notable light effects, such as the renowned sunrises; watching the sunrise is considered a "mandatory" part of visiting the area. A phenomenon known as Buddha's Light(simplified Chinese: God’s light ; pinyin: fóguāng) is also well-known; on average, Buddha's Light only appears a couple times per month. In addition, Huangshan has multiple hot springs, most of them located at the foot of the Purple Cloud Peak. The water stays at 42 °C all year and has a high concentration of carbonates, and is said to help prevent skin, joint, and nerve illness.